Mentoring in Law Enforcement
Mentoring in business has yielded higher retention rates, improved morale, enhanced engagement, and employees that are more focused on success. NAWLEE believes these same results can be seen in law enforcement through effective mentoring. NAWLEE has worked with agencies to develop internal mentoring programs and has developed a cross agency mentoring program with mentor/mentee matches across the country.
To assist agencies, NAWLEE has developed a training program to foster the development of programs that meet both agency and employee needs. NAWLEE also provides a department survey to gauge employee interest and expectations for a mentoring program.
The course provides mentors with the tools needed to ensure an effective process for the mentee.
Course Outline
This course is focused on the development of knowledge and skills need to create a positive mentor-mentee relationship and the creation of a mentoring program.
Outline strategies for creating and maintaining a mentoring program
- Discuss the benefits of a mentoring program
- Delineate the different between a mentor and a coach
- Compare the differences between formal and informal mentoring
- Evaluate the benefits of internal vs. external mentoring
- Provide parameters for selecting mentors
- Offer strategies to create mentor / mentee matches
- Review the responsibilities of both mentors and mentees
- Establish guidelines for developing goals
- Supply templates for the mentoring process (goal setting, tracking, etc.)
Course Length
The course is 8 hours.
A one-hour overview is also available and can be conducted remotely.
Course Outcomes
At the end of the course agencies will be able to determine the best type of mentoring program for their agency.
To learn more about the NAWLEE mentoring program, please contact the NAWLEE Executive Director at or 913-579-0003.
NAWLEE is grateful for the support of the Motorola Solutions Foundation for its support of our mentoring program.