Women In Law Enforcement- History, what to expect and why you should join. September 2022
Arcola’s New Police Chief is breaking barriers and making history. September 2022
Congratulations to Assistant Chief Polly Olson of Appleton. In January following Chief Todd Thomas retirement, Olson will take on the position of being Appleton’s’ first female chief. Goodluck in your new position! August 2022
Pa. State Police Celebrates 50 Years of Women in The Ranks July 2022
npr logo Increasing Women Police Recruits to 30% Could Help Change Departments’ Culture July 2022
150 Law Enforcement Agencies in the US and Canada take the Pledge to Increase Women in the Ranks to 30% by 2030 March 2022
Percentage of Women in State Policing has Stalled since 2000 October 2021
washington post Would Having More Female Officers Improve Policing? June 2021
Police Agencies Sign National Pledge to Recruit 30% Women by 2030 March 2021
30×30 Initiative: Why we need more women in policing and how to achieve it March 2021
Black, Hispanic and Female Police Use Force Less Often Than White Male Officers February 2021
Building a Better Bench for 21st-Century Policing April 2020
Four Steps to Bring More Women Into Policing April 2020
Women In Policing: The Numbers Fall Short of the Need April 2020
Roundtable: Leadership Development for Female Officers August 2019
National Institution Of Justice Special Report Women In Policing: Breaking Barriers and Blazing a Path (opens as a pdf) July 2019
Police History. The Evolution of Women In American Law Enforcement. March 2019
washington post Women Underrepresented in Key Jobs At FBI, DEA, ATF, and Marshals Services June 2018
Women In Police Leadership Tell Their Stories March 2018
First Ever African American Female State Trooper Pushes For More Women In Uniform February 2018
Women in Law Enforcement August 2017
Overcoming Tokenism and Gender Barriers The Critical Role of Non Governmental Organizations for Women in Federal Law Enforcement. January 2014